About Tony

When I started my career many years ago, I knew little about the value of setting goals and creating a plan to achieve them. As my sales career progressed, I believed hard work would produce the results I wanted, and that success and career advancement would surely follow. I was lucky enough at one point to work for a manager who saw the potential in me. He coached me on how things work and he put me in situations that made me more visible to the VP of Sales. I realized that my greatest desire and goal was to lead a sales organization in an executive role. I learned that if I wanted to turn my ambition into reality that I needed to speak up for myself and create a plan that would help me do all the things necessary to advance my career.

In the years that followed I had a variety of sales roles and each one gave me broader experience in leading different types of sales teams, utilizing different paths or channels to market, and selling to different customer segments. This was done purposefully so that I was creating the qualifications I needed to advance to the next level and ultimately be the head of sales for a company. At this time I also employed a coach to work with me on career planning, personal branding and dealing with the challenges that come with being head of sales for a global organization.

I have worked with some great people and managers and I have learned a lot from all of them. I have also been able to learn from mistakes I have made and seen others make. I have always tried to take on new challenges knowing that I would learn invaluable lessons from those experiences. This is my chance to give back and make a positive difference in the lives of sales leaders and those aspiring to be sales leaders. I want to help you to exceed your personal, career, financial and life goals. This is my passion and why I founded HyPerformance Sales Coaching.

When I am not working, I enjoy keeping fit and also playing my guitars. I am a colon cancer survivor and volunteer in the Colon Cancer Alliance Buddy Program to help those who are recently diagnosed deal with the emotional impact and provide them information on the disease and treatments. Although I am originally from New York, I have resided in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years while my two grown children live and work in SoCal.

See my entire career history at https://www.linkedin.com/in/tocarrozza.

Contact Tony for a Free Consultation Today